a whim, quite a few years back, I decided I’d take a stab at being a fish
owner. I didn’t want anything too fancy or too high maintenance, just a regular ole fresh water fish. I decided on a pretty aqua blue betta and
called him Fishie (not very creative I
know, but it worked).
Fishie and I were pretty close (well, as close as one can be
w/a fish). And I managed to keep him
alive for over 5 years which is pretty rare in the betta world. We went through break ups together, changed
apartments together, drank beers together and I even had a regular fish-sitter
for him whenever I’d take off for any length of time.
I had recently been toying with the idea of taking on
another betta, and as of today there is a new addition to the 28 Olive household. S/he is a half mooned twin fin betta, a
beautiful red color and goes by the name Ruby.
Ruby has ditched her old plastic dish and lid, and now resides in a giant
brandy snifter. She’s rocking a cool
Buddha ornament and some cheesy plastic plants for decorations, and as far as I
can tell she seems to be digging her new pad.
I don’t really know what to expect w/Ruby. I certainly don’t think she will live as long
as Fishie did, and I know for a fact that she wont have to witness all the shenanigans that
Fishie endured in my younger years. But I am definitely excited to welcome Ruby as the newest member of the fam.
I’m headed to Ireland in a couple weeks, for a couple weeks, so I really need to get crackin on the fish-sitter sitch. My previous fish-sitter is still living in San Diego... so, any volunteers?? 8-10 pellets, two times
a day and I will bring Ruby to you. It doesn’t get much easier than that :)